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Thoughts Are Things: Turning Your Ideas Into Realities by Bob Proctor


Thoughts Are Things is a wonderful, motivational text from two acclaimed public speakers and accomplished authors—Bob Proctor and Greg S. Reid.

What mind-set determines whether or not a person will be successful? Do successful people think differently from those who never reach their potential? How can we change our thoughts so that the result of every thought—the offspring of thought—sets us up to win rather than lose?

Bob Proctor and Greg S. Reid, authorized by the Napoleon Hill Foundation, delve deeply into the science and psychology of thought, and how thinking is vitally important to a meaningful, successful life. In their interviews with neuroscientists, cardiologists, spiritual teachers, and business leaders, the authors show in Thoughts Are Things how we can think to live!


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“Excellent Reading”

This book inspires how you can turn your thoughts into big things. The book gives many evidence based examples; it described how many successful people considered their thoughts, took actions and achieved a lot. This is very useful to everyone who thinks (has toughts) and never make something out of his/her thoughts.


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