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The Green Witch: Your Complete Guide to the Natural Magic of Herbs, Flowers, Essential Oils, and More by


“For covens who prefer meeting outdoors, perhaps in a garden or a deep forest clearing, The Green Witch is a delightful guide to nature magic. It’s filled with practical recipes for herbal blends and potions, the properties of essential oils, and lots of ideas for healing and relaxation.” –Bustle

Discover the power of natural magic and healing through herbs, flowers, and essential oils in this guide to green witchcraft.

At her core, the green witch is a naturalist, an herbalist, a wise woman, and a healer. She embraces the power of nature; she draws energy from the Earth and the Universe; she relies on natural objects like stones and gems to commune with the land she lives off of; she uses plants, flowers, oils, and herbs for healing; she calls on nature for guidance; and she respects every living being no matter how small.

In The Green Witch, you will learn the way of the green witch, from how to use herbs, plants, and flowers to make potions and oils for everyday healing as well as how crystals, gems, stones, and even twigs can help you find balance within. You’ll discover how to find harmony in Earth’s great elements and connect your soul to every living creature. The green witch focuses on harmony, healing, and balance with the Earth, but also with humanity and yourself. This guide also contains easy-to-understand directions for herbal blends and potions, ritual suggestions, recipes for sacred foods, and information on how to listen to and commune with nature. Not only will you attune yourself to nature, but you will also embrace your own power. Learn about the world of the green witch and discover what the power of nature has in store for you.






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  • Idioma ‏ : ‎ Inglés
  • 181 páginas


“Es perfecto ♥”

Es fácil de entender, comienza con breves explicaciones de la historia de la brujería verde, habla sobre cristales, hierbas y cuenta con unas recetas practicas, si recomiendo el libro sobre todo a las baby witches.


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