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A Little Life by Hanya Yanagihara


NATIONAL BESTSELLER – A stunning “portrait of the enduring grace of friendship” (NPR) about the families we are born into, and those that we make for ourselves. A masterful depiction of love in the twenty-first century.


A Little Life follows four college classmates–broke, adrift, and buoyed only by their friendship and ambition–as they move to New York in search of fame and fortune. While their relationships, which are tinged by addiction, success, and pride, deepen over the decades, the men are held together by their devotion to the brilliant, enigmatic Jude, a man scarred by an unspeakable childhood trauma. A hymn to brotherly bonds and a masterful depiction of love in the twenty-first century, Hanya Yanagihara’s stunning novel is about the families we are born into, and those that we make for ourselves.

Look for Hanya Yanagihara’s new novel, To Paradise, available now.






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“La autora se adentra en la vida de Jude y nosotros con ella, sin descanso, nos deja sin aliento”

Excelente. Una narración meticulosa, a fondo de la vida de un hombre exitoso, pero que nunca puede vencer los terribles abusos de todo tipo a los que fue sometido durante su infancia. A pesar de ser inteligente, guapo y tener todo lo que pudo desear, este joven no puede liberarse del estigma.


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